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Thursday, July 19, 2012

Treasure Series: Diana's Edition

A quién no le ha pasado? De repente encuentras en tu armario una reliquia de la que no te acordabas y encima se lleva! Qué contenta me pongo, es como encontrar 10 dólares (ahora vivo en USA…) en el bolsillo de esa chaqueta que hace tiempo no te ponías. Parece que has encontrado 20, saben el doble!

Hace un mes nos mudamos de apartamento y qué mejor momento para redescubrir esas piezas olvidadas. Yo ya encontré: tres pares de zapatos, algún vestido, como tres camisetas y dos chaquetas que me muero por re-estrenar (uno de los zapatos son los del post de bajos irregulares).

Busca en tu armario porque todas tenemos unas cuantas de esas reliquias! Si tienes claro que no lo vas a utilizar como yo tengo claro que nunca me volveré a poner hombreras, regálaselas a alguien que lo necesite y que les dé una segunda vida.

Who hasn't this happened to? You rediscover in your wardrobe a relic that had been forgotten and it suddenly takes over your closet ! I love that feeling, it's like finding $10 (now I live in the USA) in the pocket of that jacket you haven't worn in a while. One can say you actually found $20, it feels like double the value!

A month ago we moved apartments and what better time to rediscover these forgotten pieces. I already rediscovered: three pairs of shoes (one of the shoes are the one's from the post, Uneven Hemlines.), a dress, three shirts and two jackets that I'm dying to wear again.

My advice: Search your closet! We all have a few of those pieces and if you're sure that you will never wear it again, just as I have clear that I will never wear shoulder pads, give it to someone who can give it a second life.
:: A pop of color for a simple look ::
:: Mixing color and stripes ::
:: Adding a lady touch to my mint jeans ::

(Photos by:  Jung)

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